About Ebb & Flow Wellbeing

My journey with Yoga started about 10 years ago, but I’ve been working in health and wellbeing for almost 2 decades!

From dance to fitness, yoga to Thai massage… my journey has taught me this important lesson:

Movement is medicine, and rest is ESSENTIAL.

Since falling in love with teaching the practice of Yoga, during my time in India in 2016, I’ve become a little bit obsessed with helping people feel better in their bodies.

Committing to a regular Yoga practice has lead me to try multiple holistic therapies, and really understand the benefits they all bring to our modern lifestyle.

The best thing is, if you’d told me 10 years a go I’d be teaching Yoga I wouldn’t said you were crazy. Me? I don’t have enough Zen for all of that stuff.

And now look at me.

So, whether you’re fully invested in this hippy dippy lifestyle, or you’re new here and just seeing what it’s all about…


You’re welcome here 🙏🏻

Ebb & Flow Wellbeing Founder & Yoga Teacher